With AlbumArtExchange’s policy of blocking entire countries from using its database, fanart.tv has been touted by some as a viable alternative to AlbumArtExchange for album covers.

We have some very different goals from AlbumArtExchange though, they allow the same image at different resolutions, whereas we believe this is wasteful and only allow high quality images at a single high resolution of 1000 x 1000px.

As well as a single image size, all our images go through a moderation process to ensure only the highest quality images are available, so while we might not have the sheer quantity, we believe we can’t be beat on quality.

So are we a viable alternative to AlbumArtExchange? It’s a hard question to answer, if you are a country that is blocked by AlbumArtExchange, or are after covers by popular artists, then yes, absolutely.

If you are after covers by more obscure artists, then the answer is probably not quite yet, we simply don’t have the same quantity of contributors at this moment in time, hopefully this will change as we continue to grow.

Another feature that sets us apart is our open access to the database. Whereas AAE is very restrictive with use of its database we want everyone to get the most joy out of their collection as possible, our API gets over 120 million hits and transfers over 13TB of data a month.

We firmly believe that fan engagement is important for artists to maximize their revenue, to that end we try to make their content look as good as possible on the consumer’s device, ensuring fans can buy their albums safe in the knowledge that they will look great.